ICALEPCS 2015October 17 - 23, 2015 Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

Dr Anton Maksimenko

I began my professional education studying physics at Belarus State University (Minsk, Belarus). In 2000, shortly after graduating with a Masters degree, awarded for the work on aspects of electromagnetic properties of carbon nanotubes, I moved to Japan to work in experimental science at the Photon Factory (Tsukuba). A year later a Monbukagakushyo Government grant allowed me to enter the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Hayama) to develop a certain type of the Computed Tomography technique available to the synchrotron sources.

After three years of study, in September 2014, I was awarded a Ph.D. in Physics. For the next three years I continued research as the post-doc with partial support from the Japanese Society of Promotion of Science. First at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Tsukuba, and later Tokyo University of Science, Noda campus.

The knowledge and experience I accumulated during the years of work at the synchrotrons brought me to the Imaging and Medical beamline (IMBL) at the Australian Synchrotron in 2008. The IMBL was two empty spaces and was the ideal base for the development and implementation of imaging and CT systems from scratch. This is what I was concentrating on in the first years of work at the AS. Now that the beamline has begun regular user operation, my work priorities have shifted from development, towards user support, data processing and visualisation.