The International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS) is a biennial series of conferences inaugurated by a number of control system specialists from accelerator laboratories around the world.

The series of conferences is intended to:

  • facilitate the interchange of ideas and information between control system specialists working on large experimental physics facilities around the world (accelerators, particle detectors, tokamaks, telescopes, etc.)
  • create an archival literature of developments and progress in this rapidly-changing discipline
  • promote, where practical, standardization in both hardware and software
  • assist colleagues from technically less developed countries in the realization of all of these goals.

The term "Control Systems" in ICALEPCS is broadly interpreted to include:

  • all components or functions, such as processors, interfaces, field-busses, networks, human interfaces, system and application software, algorithms, architectures, databases, etc.
  • all aspects of these components, including engineering, execution methodologies, project management, costs, etc.

The series of ICALEPCS conferences started in 1985 as a workshop, the first public expert gathering devoted entirely to accelerator control systems in Los Alamos, hosted by LANL. The conferences subsequently rotated between three major areas of the world: America (including North, Central and South America), Asia (including Oceania) and Europe (including Russia, the Near East and Africa).
Over the years the conferences saw a growing number of participants, Institutes and countries.