Specific contributions in the field of Controls in large experimental physics facilities have been recognized by the European Physical Society/Experimental Physics Control Systems award given to:
When & Where | Personal Information | Nominated for... |
2015 Melbourne, Australia, hosted by Australian Synchrotron (AS) / ANSTO / CSIRO) | Prachi Chitnis | For her significant contributions to the reliability of the RHIC beam permit system. By her rigorous application of scientific methods a novel understanding of the system vulnerabilities has been achieved. |
2011, Grenoble, France, hosted by European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) | Tomasz Włostowski | For his key contributions to White Rabbit (WR), the next generation timing system for CERN, GSI and other laboratories and companies. WR's aim is to standardize timing systems by using well-established networking technologies. By demonstrating sub-nanosecond synchronization between two WR switches he established a world record in PTP (IEEE 1588) accuracy. |
2009, Kobe, Japan, hosted by Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI/SPring-8) and RIKEN Harima Institute (RIKEN/SPring-8) | Ge Lei | "For her key contributions to the Control System of the Beijing Electron Positron Collider Upgrade, in particular the event timing system, a first time realization in China." |
2007, Knoxville, USA, hosted by SNS/ORNL and TJNAF | Not distributed. | No candidates meeting the requirements. |
2005, Geneva, Switzerland, hosted by CERN | Not distributed. | No candidates meeting the requirements. |
2003, Gyeongju, Korea, hosted by Pohang Accelerator Laboratory and POSTECH |
Jean-Yves FAVEZ Born: 1971 Country: Switzerland Centre de Recherche en Physique des Plasmas (CRPP), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland |
"outstanding contribution in the field of stabilization of tokamak plasmas and, in particular, for his original work in the development of controllers in the presence of actuator saturation" |
2001, San Jose, USA, hosted by SLAC |
Mark PLESKO Born: 1961 Country: Slovenia Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia |
"achievements and creativity in the field of experimental controls systems." |
1999, Trieste (Italy), hosted by Sincrotrone Trieste |
Thijs WIJNANDS Born: 1967 Country: The Netherlands |
"contribution to an Advanced Plasma Control System for TORE SUPRA" |
Hosted by the Computing & Controls Division (webmaster (at) cells.es) of the ALBA Synchrotron (CELLS),
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